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Agent-IC is a mobile app that implements a fully-featured mobile intercom client on iOS or Android devices. 

TRY IT FIRST! Download the free App from Apple App Store or Google Playstore to test Agent-IC on your iOS or Android devices before you purchase.

iOS Devices:

Android Devices:

Note: Agent-IC客户端许可证不包括移动和可穿戴设备. 需要一个或多个未分配的客户端许可证.


Agent-IC Virtual Mobile Client

  • For: Eclipse, Gen-IC and LQ
  • On: Android and iOS
  • Large Talk & Listen buttons
  • Swipe to Latch Gestures
  • 全局键状态和音频呈现指示器
  • Easy download from Apple & Google App Stores

Eclipse HX的虚拟移动客户端

  • (23)可分配给:局方线路、群组、IFB、点对点、直接呼叫的键集 & Controls
  • 单个键集收听级别控制
  • 回复传入点对点
  • OS通知的传入呼叫

Virtual Mobile Client for Gen-IC & LQ

  • (24) Keysets assignable to Channels: Listen, Talk, Call, Control Events, Remote Mic Kill
  • 单个键集收听级别控制
  • Reply for incoming Call Signals
  • OS通知的传入呼叫信号
  • LQ接口集成选项

Network Agnostic

  • 硬件或虚拟对讲支持
  • Robust intercom over LAN, WAN & internet
  • IT友好的网络连接互联网
  • Encrypted Connection

Licensing Options

  • Perpetual Eclipse & LQ licensing
  • Subscription Eclipse, Gen-IC & LQ licenses
  • Intercom System Hosted License

Item Code


Permanent for major version
AGENT-IC-HX: 1 user
AGENT-IC8-HX: 8 users
托管在Eclipse上的Agent-IC主要版本的永久许可. Eclipse加密狗ID需要与订单



For ongoing continuous use
A-IC-HX-1Y: 1 user for 1 year
A-IC-HX8-1Y: 8 users for 1 year


Subscription Extension

A-IC-HX-ADD1Y: 1 user for +1 year
A-IC-HX8-ADD1Y: 8 years for +1 year



Active Gen-IC Virtual Client capacity can be used by the latest version of Agent-IC. 与Gen-IC一起使用不需要单独的Agent-IC许可证. 详细信息请参见Gen-IC亚洲最大体育平台信息.


Perpetual LQ Hosted Licenses

Permanent for major version
AGENT-IC-LQ: 1 user
AGENT-IC8-LQ: 8 users


Subscription LQ Hosted Licenses

For ongoing continuous use
Subscription Initiation
A-IC-LQ-1Y: 1 user for 1 year
A-IC-LQ8-1Y: 8 users for 1 year
Subscription Extension
A-IC-LQ-ADD1Y: 1 user for +1 year
A-IC-LQ8-ADD1Y: 8 years for +1 year


Agent-IC Virtual Mobile Client

Agent-IC is a virtual mobile client that provides an intercom user station on Android and iOS tablets, 智能手机和智能手表上的遥控器. 连接到Eclipse HX支持ip的矩阵, Gen-IC虚拟对讲或LQ系列IP接口, Agent-IC provides access to the system's available resources including partyline channels with their call signals and logic controls on Gen-IC and LQ as well as one-to-one, one-to-many, Eclipse矩阵对讲系统上的ISO和IFB通信. Individual keyset listening levels help users focus on specific channels while monitoring others. All this functionality can be tailored to each user to create an efficient intercom user station on their tablets and smartphones.



Mobile intercom user can download install Agent-IC from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store when needed. Once installed, 它们可以连接到任何可访问的网络和许可的Eclipse HX矩阵, Gen-IC virtual intercom or LQ Series IP interface using administrator supplied credentials. Agent-IC’s ergonomic, easy-to-use interface is designed for familiarity and consistency with other user stations, 包括亚洲最大体育平台和v系列Iris™面板. Agent-IC’s large Talk and Listen buttons feature swipe-to-latch gesture to minimize inadvertent operation, 个人水平控制和当前状态的明确指示. 窗口显示锁存键以及输入和输出音频仪表.


Administration & Configuration

Agent-IC supported by Eclipse matrix systems are assigned a port along with a username, password, and key assignments in the EHX configuration software which are immediately pushed to the Agent-IC. Agent -IC supported by Gen-IC virtual intercom or LQ IP Interface are configured in the browser-based Core Configuration Manager™ (CCM) interface which facilitates creation of user accounts, Agent -IC的关联角色和关键任务.

Robust Technological Foundation

Agent-IC uses multiple mission specific audio codecs for audio alongside a proprietary control transport protocol designed to operate over LAN, 广域网和各种质量的Internet网络连接. 十大正规体育平台的IP连接能力, 只需要Eclipse / LQ主机端的一个网口, drastically minimizes efforts required for network management and routing to public internet connectivity while Gen-IC virtual intercom is always accessible on the internet providing intercom operation over the internet without network requirements. Agent-IC通过E-IPA/IVC-32卡连接到主机Eclipse HX矩阵, Gen-IC virtual intercom or any LQ series Interface device with available capacity.


Licensing Options

Agent-IC includes variety of licensing options from Perpetual Licenses centrally hosted on Eclipse matrices or LQ IP Interfaces in addition Subscription Licenses. Perpetual Eclipse / LQ Licenses allow multiple Agent-IC licenses to be installed on an Eclipse frame for a major feature version of Agent-IC (e.g. version 2.x). Eclipse and LQ hosted licenses are used by concurrently connected Agent-IC users on a first-come first-serve basis and are installed and fixed to the intercom system host. Subscription Licenses are for ongoing requirements at the lowest daily cost of Agent-IC. Eclipse and LQ hosted licenses are used by concurrently connected Agent-IC users on a first-come first-serve basis and are installed and permanently fixed to the intercom system host.

Gen-IC virtual intercom includes a fixed number of virtual clients that can be either Agent-IC or 亚洲最大体育平台 for the duration of the Gen-IC subscription. Gen-IC hosted licenses are used by concurrently connected Agent-IC users on a first-come first-serve basis.

Agent-IC can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and run in demo mode. Demo mode is provided with the ability to connect to a 十大正规体育平台 demo- or customer provided system to test on the user’s device.


See also 十大正规体育平台’s 亚洲最大体育平台 virtual desktop clients which provides fully integrated intercom capabilities on Windows and MacOS computers.


Software Application

Audio level meters
Background operation
Far-end Silence Suppression
Echo cancellation

Audio Controls & Indicators

Talk/Listen master mute
Listen level per key/keyset
Master level & balance by operating systems



Host Connection Profiles: 2
Keys: 23
同时显示的键数取决于用户设置的窗口大小, screen size, 分辨率和应用变焦杠杆. 4-23 keys can be displayed simultaneously with the option to scrolls for more keys.
Assignable: 说话,倾听和控制在EHX
Talk/Listen: 轻敲闩锁(如果允许),按一下
Call Signal: Initiation and indication
Tally Indication: 音频存在,使用中,面板/客户端连接
Reply Key: 显示即将到来的点对点谈话,以便立即作出回应. 默认隐藏,运行并提供操作系统通知
Character Support: 阿拉伯文、西里尔文、韩文、希伯来文、平假名、汉字、片假名、拉丁文


Gen-IC & LQ

Host Connection Profiles: 2
Keys: 24
同时显示的键数取决于用户设置的窗口大小, screen size, 分辨率和应用变焦杠杆. 4-24 keys can be displayed simultaneously with the option to scrolls for more keys.
Assignable: Per assigned channel to Talk, Listen, Call, Control Events and Remote Mic Kill in Gen-IC & LQ's CCM
Talk/Listen: 滑动闩锁,按一下
Call Signal: Initiation and indication
Tally Indication: 音频呈现,呼叫,控制事件&2
Reply Call Key: 1 -在一个通道上显示来电信号,以便立即响应. 默认隐藏,弹出并提供操作系统通知
Character Support: 阿拉伯文、西里尔文、韩文、希伯来文、平假名、汉字、片假名、拉丁文


LQ in HelixNet HMS-4X Link Group

Agent-IC LQ functionality is available when LQ is linked in a HelixNet HMS-4X Link Group with Latin character support.


System Minimum Requirements

Host Intercom System

Perpetual Licenses: 8.5+ with E-IPA (or IVC-32)
Client Licenses: 8.5+ with E-IPA (or IVC-32)
Perpetual Licenses:
Subscription Licenses: 4.0+
Note: Maintaining intercom systems on current or previous major version is highly recommended



Version: 9 (min), 14+ (recommended)
Note: 专为最新的智能手机和平板设备设计. Recommended to download the free app from Google Play Store to test specific make and model


Version: 7.1 (min), 17+ (recommended)
Note: 专为苹果iOS设备和认可的外围设备


Audio Encoding:
G.722 -固定宽带7kHz在64位/秒
Frequency Response: 50Hz - 7kHz

Gen-IC & LQ:
Audio Encoding:
在16-128bit/s范围内可配置12kHz - 20khz
Frequency Response: 100Hz-12kHz, 100Hz - 20kHz

HelixNet HMS-4X Link Group中的LQ:
Audio Encoding:
WavPack -固定宽带10kHz以内320bit/s
Frequency Response: 100Hz-12kHz, 100Hz - 20kHz
Frequency Response 是否根据系统使用情况进行额外过滤




Perpetual Eclipse License
Part Numbers:
Validity: 对于连接到Eclipse的Agent-IC的主要版本是永久的
Duration: For major feature release (e.g. v2.x); license does not expire
Delivery: EHX Passcode. 需要生成帧加密狗ID
License Host: Eclipse Frame running EHX 8.5+
Transferable: 否-仅在指定的eclipse系统上工作
Recovery: Contact 十大正规体育平台


Subscription Eclipse Licenses
Part Numbers:
A-ic-hx-1y A-ic-hx-1y a-ic-hx8-1y a-ic-hx8-add1y
Validity: 承诺订阅的持续时间. Starts with activation
Duration: 1年起始,+1年额外延期
Support: 使用期限或购买后7年,以先到者为准
Delivery: EHX Passcode. 需要生成帧加密狗ID
License Host: Eclipse frame running EHX 8.5+
Transferable: No. 只在指定的Eclipse系统上工作
Recovery: Contact 十大正规体育平台


Subscription Gen-IC Licenses
Active Gen-IC Virtual Client capacity can be used by the latest version of Agent-IC. 与Gen-IC一起使用不需要单独的Agent-IC-IC许可证. 详细信息请参见Gen-IC亚洲最大体育平台信息.


Perpetual LQ License

Validity: 永久用于连接到LQ的Agent-IC的主要版本
Duration: For major feature release (e.g. v2.x). License does not expire
Delivery: 许可证票,可能包括多个许可证,可以重新加载
License Host: LQ
Transferable: No; works only on the LQ the license has been applied to
Recovery: Contact 十大正规体育平台


Subscription LQ Licenses

Part Numbers: A-ic-hx-1y A-ic-hx-1y a-ic-hx8-1y a-ic-hx8-add1y
Validity: 承诺订阅的持续时间. Starts with activation
Duration: 1年起始,+1年额外延期
Support: 使用期限或购买后7年,以先到者为准
Delivery: 许可证票,可能包括多个许可证,可以重新加载
License Host: LQ
Transferable: No. 仅对已申请license的LQ有效
Recovery: Contact 十大正规体育平台

Ready to get

我们的专业沟通团队随时为您的项目提供支持. 立即亚洲最大体育平台,开始设计您的自定义对讲解决方案.

Sales Contacts Where to Buy/Rent

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