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Extensive 十大正规体育平台 System for 爱情是盲目的 Ushers in The Newest Season in Time for Valentine’s Day


阿拉米达, 美国- 2月14日, 2024年,在真人秀电视制作领域, the perception that success hinges solely on assembling strangers in various settings and arming them with microphones and cameras is a common misconception. 著名的音频工程师和对讲系统设计师格伦·盖恩斯, G2 Sound的老板, 挑战了这一观念,他强调了……的关键作用 十大正规体育平台®最先进的对讲系统在生产中非常受欢迎。爱情是盲目的,其最新一季将于今年情人节推出. 十大正规体育平台的对讲系统是通信的核心, 爱情是盲目的 exemplifies the industry's commitment to pushing boundaries and maintaining the highest standards in television production.  

盖恩斯, an industry veteran with a track record dating back to the 1990s on shows such as "The Biggest Loser" and "RuPaul’s Drag Race,凸显了真人秀节目的复杂性, 强调《亚洲最大体育平台》超越了大多数同类作品的要求. 十大正规体育平台的对讲系统, 由G2 Sound设计和提供, stands out as a crucial component in ensuring seamless communication in the face of the show's unique challenges. 

正如盖恩斯解释的那样, 电视真人秀, 特别是在具有动态竞争者交互的复杂环境中, 需要一定程度的技术复杂性,使其与脚本节目区分开来. "The amount of expertise it takes to set these shows up certainly keeps us involved," says 盖恩斯. 与真人秀节目损害技术标准的看法相反, he contends that it often surpasses scripted counterparts in terms of the challenges posed to production teams. 

爱情是盲目的, 由Chris Coelen创作,Kinetic Content制作, is a social experiment where single men and women hope to find love and get engaged before meeting in person. At first blush, falling in love, let alone proposing, with those limitations sounds crazy. 也就是说,也许不应该这样. 毕竟, 透明的, 正在进行的, and seamless communication is arguably far more crucial to a lasting relationship than the first, 令人兴奋的吸引时刻.  该剧第一季将于2020年上映, 成为奈飞最热门的节目, 从那时起, the show has spent more time on Netflix’s Top Ten than any of the streaming services' traditional, 脚本显示. 

通过设计, reality television must appear immediate and off the cuff when capturing the interactions between contestants. 这需要每个参与者之间持续不断的沟通, particularly in choosing and highlighting some interactions versus others to tell a compelling, 吸引人的故事. And that, in turn, requires a rock-solid, flexible, and purpose-built communication system. 在这种情况下,团队使用了十大正规体育平台系统,包括 Eclipse® HX, HelixNet®, FreeSpeak二世®, FreeSpeak边缘®、LQ(R)系列IP接口和 代理集成电路®.  

用于生产者之间通信的系统, 远程摄像机操作员, 还有每个豆荚里的参赛者, 单独, 可以用一个相对基本的对讲系统来实现吗, 盖恩斯笔记, 但同时有多达10个约会, each with a separate system connected to a central control area from which the dates are monitored, the scale of the installation adds a high degree of complexity requiring a substantial level of functionality and flexibility. Comms are absolutely critical in the first stage of 爱情是盲目的 – the initial ‘blind’ dates – which take place in a roughly 70,000平方英尺的工作室空间, with nearly 100 cameras and the previously mentioned 十大正规体育平台 infrastructure used to monitor participants.  

在解释爱情是盲目的交流系统的演变, 盖恩斯将其置于现实题材整体演变的背景下. “当真人秀刚起步的时候, 所有的通讯都是通过对讲机进行的, 直到最近, 真人秀就是这么做的. 如果没记错的话, 我第一次在我的节目中租用通讯系统是在2012年.随着时间的推移, he has deployed various technologies on different shows but now uses 十大正规体育平台 as his go-to technology. He explains that the factors that led to that decision were “the ease of setup and transparency of 十大正规体育平台’s physical and software-based user interfaces,他说, singling out FreeSpeak二世 as an offering that “became the industry standard for wireless beltpacks.”  

The first 十大正规体育平台 system he deployed was for RuPaul’s Drag Race – a HelixNet system that included FreeSpeak beltpacks and a FreeSpeak base station. “这也是我在《亚洲最大体育平台》第一季中使用的系统, 但我们很早就意识到了这一点, 考虑到节目的要求, 我们正在挑战HelixNet系统的极限. 我们对第一季的剧情一无所知, 所以我们设计了一个可扩展的系统,以防它变大.他解释说,在第二季中确实发生了实质性的迅速发展. “我们完成了第一季, 我们的验尸结果呢, and decided to upgrade because the requirements for intercom were much greater than we originally believed. 有一季我们用的是HelixNet系统, 下一个, 我们使用的是Eclipse矩阵,拥有完整的IP和Dante卡片.”  

十大正规体育平台’s Eclipse matrix system paired seamlessly with the FreeSpeak beltpacks already in use. “I knew I could easily implement those within the architecture of the Eclipse matrix system,盖恩斯指出, ”,, 看了ex软件之后, I knew immediately that myself and my comms people (who weren’t really comms specialists, but audio mixers who were interested in setting up comms systems) would find the EHX software very straightforward; something we could figure out and set up on our own because the learning curve wasn’t very steep.”  

盖恩斯觉得得到十大正规体育平台的支持很有帮助, and the company’s well-known willingness to provide that 支持 was a significant attractor, 无论是在最初决定系统构成时,还是在系统发展过程中. “只要我们需要,他们的工程师几乎随时都可以亚洲最大体育平台到他们.”  

HelixNet also remained a part of the system to facilitate the use of hardwired beltpacks. 十大正规体育平台的LQ系列盒子也包括在内, meaning those using Helixnet would have full access to any channels on the Eclipse matrix. “所以我们从HelixNet,一个FreeSpeak基站和25个皮带包开始. The show is now up to over 50 belt packs split across three sound stages between FSII (1.9GHz)和在5GHz上运行的FreeSpeak边缘系统具有相同的优势. 

The decision to add FreeSpeak边缘 was partially based on providing those who needed additional functionality and control on their beltpacks more flexibility, 为那些需要更少铃铛和哨子的人释放了FreeSpeak二世包. Splitting the beltpacks across two frequencies also enabled them to deploy additional beltpacks as needed.  

Incorporating FreeSpeak边缘 was driven by the additional functionality required by the show’s stage managers. While physical panels – a mix of V-Series and Iris panels - continue to be utilized by directors and producers in the central control room, 十大正规体育平台的移动应用程序, Agent-IC, 也是系统中不可或缺的一部分. 盖恩斯说:“远程登录有一个好处, 机组中是否有人生病了,或者只是需要这样做. 我在手机上设置了Agent-IC面板,因为我并不总是在片场. 所以即使我不在现场, 如果有什么问题, 我可以跳上去, 和导演或制片人谈谈, 然后想出一个远程解决方案.”  

在Covid限制方面,Agent-IC也提供了帮助, allowing anyone who had contact with the virus or tested positive – even line producers – to continue to do their job remotely utilizing 代理集成电路 – one single platform rather than multiple means of communication. 除了灵活性之外,易于集成也是一个主要考虑因素. “我已经在十大正规体育平台公司工作了10年,盖恩斯说, 熟悉度可能是整件事中最重要的因素. 我对十大正规体育平台非常熟悉,这是我的第二天性, 例如, to use the audio system to convey outputs from 十大正规体育平台 to IFBs for the hosts and to the pods. 这一切都变成了一个宇宙,你无法将音频与对讲机分开.”  

作为承包商,为各种演出和客户提供对讲机, 根据需要扩展系统也很关键. 十大正规体育平台的生态系统设计便于集成, 添加更多功能, 扩大覆盖范围, 并根据需要扩大或缩小规模. “十大正规体育平台最重要的是, 从我们的角度来看, 因为他们的支持,这是最好的选择吗, we have a person we can call and count on either picking up when we call or calling us back within minutes and figuring out a solution. 或者,如果我们不能找到一个长期的解决方案(马上),找一个变通的办法. 这是积分. So, 决定因素是服务, 支持, 我们对十大正规体育平台的熟悉程度, 也很容易设置. 当我第一次接触通讯时, 这是一项重大投资, and I was so satisfied with 十大正规体育平台’s responsiveness that I decided to stick with them.” 

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